Today Google has added a new feature on the search feature that allows users to recommend a site, called the +1 button.
While Google's latest feature is enable +1 it will soon appear on search results and across the web.
As Google said, "+1 is the abbreviation for" this is pretty cool "or" You have to check this "
You can see the +1' s from friends, contacts or anyone else, and you have the option to keep your own +1' public or private.
Before you can use the feature, however, you must log in to your Google account and have a Google profile.
This feature is not live, but users can enable it if they want to try it. +1 Button will also start appearing on the website on the Internet.
Source : Google
Mar 31, 2011
Goggle +1 Feature Latest
Mar 30, 2011
The Title Tag : Optimizes the most important tag on every page
Without doubt, the <title> is the most important in a page, from the viewpoint of optimization for search engines. This is because most of the engine and directory attaches great importance to the keywords that are included in the title. In addition, the title tag is what the engine is usually displayed in a search.
Use keywords in <title> page document, making it as descriptive as possible. When you visit a site, the crawler first check the <title>.
For clarity, the <title> tag is what a browser shows the title bar and is not simply the first line of HTML that you see on the page (as the first words of introductory text should also be descriptive). The search engine will show the text placed between the <title> when your web page will list in a search result. Making your <TITLE> is particularly descriptive, you will be better placed to those who have only keywords in the text of their page. The operation will become useful when visitors to bookmark (bookmark) to your website: If a more descriptive name, it will be easier to find your site the next time.
Limitations of the tag:
It is advisable to limit the length of the title is 50 to 80 characters - including spaces! The length accepted by the engines varies, but within these limitations the results should be good.
Encouraged to include one or two keywords in the title, but be careful not to confine itself to a simple list of keywords. Using just keywords you risk being seen as a spammer. The title then, in addition to including the keywords must also be readable and easily understood.
Make your titles interesting. Do not forget that even if you are the first in the results, your page should say something that compels the sailor to click on your link. So try to insert a message not only relevant but also attractive, because even if you're in first place, if your message does not disappear you click generates the result of all the optimization work.
Try to use keywords at the beginning of the title, and possibly give a different title for all pages related to the page content.
That it's my post, hopefully usefull.
Mar 29, 2011
Concepts for Newbie Webmasters
Concept for newbie webmasters is who are not techies with long experience. Its objective is to save you time in understanding things the techies know so viscerally that they don’t even know you need to know these things. If you are technically sophisticated you should save time and stop reading here. If you have just decided that you want to host your own web site, but you don’t have strong technical skills, keep reading.
There are many things you can do online without needing this information. For example, you can create a blog for free., Blogger, and many others provide these services. These may serve your purposes very well. Their disadvantage is that some of them do not allow you to advertise, and they provide only minimal control of the look and feel of your site. If you are not interested in making money from your web site, this may be fine. They certainly represent a good place to start to develop Webmaster skills, but your site will tend to look like tens of thousands of other sites.
If you want to build a professional looking web presence, or you want to advertise, or you want to provide special functionality on your blog, here is what you need to know. This article is not an endorsement for any specific product. I mention several products in this article, but only for context.
Typing skills are a big plus. If you don’t have these, find a free typing program online. You can learn in a week. It helps to understand what FTP (file transfer protocol) is. Sometimes you do need to do things at the directory level on your hosted server. I use a program called FileZilla2 for this, but there are many other choices.
So few posts I hopefully usefull.
Creating Art Web Design
The web is a wild place. It is an art gallery without the admission fee. Web designers are artist of a different medium. Like artists not all of the website designs that they create are going to work. Some websites are truly annoying. Take for instance a painter that really likes the color blue. If it is used in every piece of art the painter makes it will visually not stimulate our eyes and we will become bored or annoyed with the artists art. The same is true for web design. As a website developer you need to make sure that your “art” is different for each client and you need to avoid common mistakes that draw attention away from the client’s product or service. There are several things to steer clear of when designing websites to ensure a perfect site for your client.
Top Five Most Annoying Website Design Techniques
Stop using pop-up windows and blinking lights to attract attention to your art because the reality is that they are just annoying.
Remember in web design it is all about how your website design is perceived by the people viewing it. Make sure the art you present does not detour anyone from visiting the websites your clients have had you design.
Step Research Keyword
This post I will discuss about the keyword research phase as follow :
I keep seeing people asking how to do keyword research so I have decided to do a quick over-view on how I do my own keyword research.
There are many ways to do keyword research, but its all about what you find works for you, and all method works to a degree so don't be too worried.
Method Step by Step
Mar 28, 2011
Fastest Graphic Card by AMD
At AMD we pride ourselves on both the excellence of our products, and in the integrity of our messaging. Let me give you a perfect example. Two weeks ago we launched our flagship GPU, the AMD Radeon™ HD 6990. We had designed it to be a game-changer and we hit the bull’s eye. The result: The AMD Radeon™ HD 6990 achieved the highest default single graphics card score of X3303 using the industry standard 3DMark11 benchmark. And when we launched it, we issued a press release in which we proudly called it the “World’s Fastest Graphics Card” and fully disclosed the basis upon which we made that claim.
Yesterday our competitor also issued a press release, announcing the launch of what they claim to be the “World’s Fastest Graphics Card”– the Nvidia GTX 590. We combed through their announcement to understand how it was that such a claim could be made and why there was no substantiation based on industry-standard benchmarks, similar to what AMD did with industry benchmark 3DMark 11, the latest DirectX® 11 benchmark from FutureMark.
So now I issue a challenge to our competitor: prove it, don’t just say it. Show us the substantiation. Because as it stands today, leading reviewers agree with us here, here, here, and here that the AMD Radeon HD 6990 sits on the top as the world’s fastest graphics card.
Avoid Duplication of Content
This article will help you understand why you might be caught in the filter, and ways to avoid it. We'll also show you how you can determine if your pages have duplicate content, and what to do to fix it.Search engine spam is any deceitful attempts to deliberately trick the search engine into returning inappropriate, redundant, or poor-quality search results. Many times this behavior is seen in pages that are exact replicas of other pages which are created to receive better results in the search engine. Many people assume that creating multiple or similar copies of the same page will either increase their chances of getting listed in search engines or help them get multiple listings, due to the presence of more keywords.
In order to make a search more relevant to a user, search engines use a filter that removes the duplicate content pages from the search results, and the spam along with it. Unfortunately, good, hardworking webmasters have fallen prey to the filters imposed by the search engines that remove duplicate content. It is those webmasters who unknowingly spam the search engines, when there are some things they can do to avoid being filtered out. In order for you to truly understand the concepts you can implement to avoid the duplicate content filter, you need to know how this filter works.
First, we must understand that the term "duplicate content penalty" is actually a misnomer. When we refer to penalties in search engine rankings, we are actually talking about points that are deducted from a page in order to come to an overall relevancy score. But in reality, duplicate content pages are not penalized. Rather they are simply filtered, the way you would use a sieve to remove unwanted particles. Sometimes, "good particles" are accidentally filtered out.
Knowing the difference between the filter and the penalty, you can now understand how a search engine determines what duplicate content is. There are basically four types of duplicate content that are filtered out:
So, how does a search engine's duplicate content filter work? Essentially, when a search engine robot crawls a website, it reads the pages, and stores the information in its database. Then, it compares its findings to other information it has in its database. Depending upon a few factors, such as the overall relevancy score of a website, it then determines which are duplicate content, and then filters out the pages or the websites that qualify as spam. Unfortunately, if your pages are not spam, but have enough similar content, they may still be regarded as spam.
Since you need to know which sites might have copied your site or pages, you will need some help. We recommend using a tool that searches for copies of your page on the Internet: Here, you can put in your web page URL to find replicas of your page on the Internet. This can help you create unique content, or even address the issue of someone "borrowing" your content without your permission.
Let's look at the issue regarding some search engines possibly not considering the source of the original content from distributed articles. Remember, some search engines, like Google, use link popularity to determine the most relevant results. Continue to build your link popularity, while using tools like to find how many other sites have the same article, and if allowed by the author, you may be able to alter the article as to make the content unique.
Do not rely on an affiliate site which is identical to other sites or create identical doorway pages. These types of behaviors are not only filtered out immediately as spam, but there is generally no comparison of the page to the site as a whole if another site or page is found as duplicate, and get your entire site in trouble.
The duplicate content filter is sometimes hard on sites that don't intend to spam the search engines. But it is ultimately up to you to help the search engines determine that your site is as unique as possible. By using the tools in this article to eliminate as much duplicate content as you can, you'll help keep your site original and fresh
Mar 27, 2011
Facebook Twitter Integration
Microsoft Bing, the number two search engine on the Web, announced this morning that it has begun including Tweets within news results and and a tighter Facebook integration in its search results.
According to the Bing Team, the inclusion of social media in these search results will help users "make more informed decisions in search by surfacing the kind of information you can only get from your friends, often in real-time."
Last month, Google announced that it would begin augmenting its search results according to whether or not certain content had been shared by your friends. Bing's integration feels similar, though slightly less nuanced.
Rather than altering search results according to what your friends share, Bing will show a feed of relevant Tweets alongside headlines on Bing News.
In terms of Facebook, however, Bing had already been doing what Google released last month - altering search results according to what your friends "like."
The latest update moves in the opposite direction. Now, users can post to Facebook directly from within Bing search results for movies, artists, musicians and television shows.
Microsoft has had a tight relationship with Facebook since 2007, when it beat out Google in a $240 million investment in the social network. Since, Bing has become the default search engine powering Facebook and a number of deals between Microsoft and Facebook have followed. The beginning of a more two-way relationship was inevitable.
Mar 24, 2011
Things You Can Do to Keep Your Passwords From Being Too Social
Did you know that you might have inadvertently helped a nefarious hacker get access to your email account, your online banking or your e-commerce site information? Let's face it, today we have passwords for everything and it is becoming more difficult to remember them all. So we either write them down on a piece of paper or we use the same password for everything. Uh oh.
Until very recently, Facebook and other social media sites did not encrypt the sign-on info you use to logon to your Facebook account. This means that someone who knew what they were doing could "sniff" the Internet traffic between your PC and the Facebook servers and plainly see your email and password. Now they have access to your Facebook account and they can act as you. While this in itself may be unnerving; the real damage has yet to occur. The hacker is aware that many people use the same password for multiple services so they then try to logon to your email account with the Facebook password. In some cases they are successful. Consider your own situation, would the hacker be successful? If he is, he isn't done yet.
Since the hacker now has access to your email, he'll scan for emails from your bank, Amazon, iTunes or other e-commerce sites and see if he can hack into them with the same password. The good news is most banks have stepped up their security for online banking. If they detect a PC trying to access your account that hasn't done so previously, they will ask certain enhanced security questions or will call you on the phone to insure it is really you trying to access the account.
But the damage isn't done in many cases. With access to your email account, the hacker can now use your email account to send spam. Or if sending spam is not his thing, access to your email can be sold to someone who is. Have you ever received email messages telling you that an email that was sent from your email account couldn't be delivered? Did you then try to sift through the gobbledygook that is part of the bounce message and determine you didn't send the email? If so, it is likely that your email account was hacked.
These scenarios may seem frightening but there are some easy things you can do to help prevent you from being a victim in the future.
Make sure your Facebook password is different from your email, banking or other e-commerce sites. This will minimize the damage that can be done if your Facebook account is hacked.
If you use Facebook, change your security settings to use Secure Browsing. You do this by going to the Account tab in the upper right of Facebook and select Account settings. In the Account Security section chose Secure Browsing. Also check one or both of the boxes to send you notice when a new computer or mobile device logs into your account. These changes will do two things.
The most important thing you can do is make your passwords hacker resilient. According to various web sites, some of the popular passwords that people use are 123456, 12345, 123456789, Password, iloveyou, password, princess, qwerty, abc123 and rocky. Any of these look familiar?
Hackers have tools to help them crack your password using the most popular passwords. If that doesn't work they use password generators that start trying various combinations. You can make their task much more difficult by creating a STRONG password which is at least 8 characters long, a combination of upper case and lower case letters with numbers and special characters ($, #, &, *!, <, etc.) Using these makes it more difficult for hackers but it also makes it harder for us to remember as well.
So here is a tip: think up a phrase you can remember. For example, "My birth place was Chicago and I was born in 1965". Now take the first letter of each word in the phrase MbpwCaIwbi1965 and you have created a strong password. Add a "!" or "$" at the beginning and/or end and your password is even stronger! While this is much more difficult to type in than 123456 it is even harder for a hacker.
It is important that you chose a phrase that you can remember so you don't have to write it down to remember it.
The most secure practice is to have a STRONG password for every site you visit but this can become quite unwieldy. Rather than having a single password for every site that needs one, I would suggest having different groups of passwords. For example having 5 Password Groups could give you:
Passwords are the keys to grant access your electronic information. Since passwords are the first line of defense against hackers gaining access to your digital information; it is essential that we protect them like we do our home, car, wallet or Passport. Hackers are a clever bunch of people; so make sure you are doing your part to NOT to help them!
If you have questions about passwords or properly securing your digital information, leave us a support ticket or contact us and we will get back to you with an answer.
Andy is Webmaster for For other articles of interest or information on the Computer and IT Support that we offer go to
Why Is Facebook Running Slow, How to Fix It
A time when we want to open and check out our facebook but what we see going in to the Facebook site very long, it makes us a little frustrating. What's the solution? We all know that Facebook gets immense traffic from all parts of the world. Due to its highly dynamic nature, sometimes Facebook loads slow even though users are sure that they do not have anything wrong with their internet speed. What to do if you ever become a victim of this problem?
In this article, we are going to find out simple ways to optimize the performance of Facebook.
Disable Third Party Toolbars Installed in your Web Browser
Many websites offer free toolbars for your web browser as per their marketing strategies. These toolbars slow down your web browser performance and thereby Facebook slow speed is experienced. You have to disable these toolbars so as to make your Facebook load faster.
Use Internet Optimizer Tool
The sole objective of an Internet Optimizer tool is to optimize your internet by making change in the operating system configurations. It modifies various types of settings which are directly and indirectly related to your internet performance. Download a System Utilities software that includes Internet Optimizer feature. Follow its instructions. If your Facebook is running slow, using an Internet Optimizer tool will be of great help.
Reset Settings
By resetting your web browser settings, you may fix Facebook slow speed. Here are the steps to do so:
Clean the Internet Cache
Facebook slow speed occurs when the contents stored in the internet cache are corrupted. You can delete these contents using a System Cleaner application, or otherwise, through below steps:
Disable Browser Extensions
The term browser extensions denote various add-on objects installed for your web browser. Many of us install the third party extensions to avail certain features. This problem often results in Facebook slow speed.
Disable third party browser extensions as instructed below.
Clean and Defrag the Registry
Using a System Cleaner application, clean these entries. In addition to this, defragment it completely.
Highly Recommended
Use a globally recognized software that includes system cleaner, internet optimizer and registry clean/ defrag features.
One such good software is Intel Software Partner, RegInOut. Download it directly from the official web site for performing a free instant scan to fix slow internet speed:
So little of my solution, hopefully usefull to the reader.
Mar 9, 2011
Basic Local Area Network
A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area such as home, school, computer laboratory or office building. The defining characteristics of LANs, in contrast to wide area networks (WANs), include their usually higher data-transfer rates, smaller geographic area, and lack of a need for leased telecommunication lines.
ARCNET, Token Ring and other technology standards have been used in the past, but Ethernet over twisted pair cabling, and Wi-Fi are the two most common technologies currently in use.
As larger universities and research labs obtained more computers during the late 1960s, there was an increasing pressure to provide high-speed interconnections. A report in 1970 from the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory detailing the growth of their "Octopus" network gives a good indication of the situation.
Cambridge Ring was developed at Cambridge University in 1974 but was never developed into a successful commercial product.
Ethernet was developed at Xerox PARC in 1973–1975, and filed as U.S. Patent 4,063,220. In 1976, after the system was deployed at PARC, Metcalfe and Boggs published a seminal paper, "Ethernet: Distributed Packet-Switching For Local Computer Networks."
ARCNET was developed by Datapoint Corporation in 1976 and announced in 1977.[7] It had the first commercial installation in December 1977 at Chase Manhattan Bank in New York.[8]
Standards evolution
The development and proliferation of CP/M-based personal computers from the late 1970s and then DOS-based personal computers from 1981 meant that a single site began to have dozens or even hundreds of computers. The initial attraction of networking these was generally to share disk space and laser printers, which were both very expensive at the time. There was much enthusiasm for the concept and for several years, from about 1983 onward, computer industry pundits would regularly declare the coming year to be “the year of the LAN”
In practice, the concept was marred by proliferation of incompatible physical Layer and network protocol implementations, and a plethora of methods of sharing resources. Typically, each vendor would have its own type of network card, cabling, protocol, and network operating system. A solution appeared with the advent of Novell NetWare which provided even-handed support for dozens of competing card/cable types, and a much more sophisticated operating system than most of its competitors. Netware dominated the personal computer LAN business from early after its introduction in 1983 until the mid 1990s when Microsoft introduced Windows NT Advanced Server and Windows for Workgroups.
Of the competitors to NetWare, only Banyan Vines had comparable technical strengths, but Banyan never gained a secure base. Microsoft and 3Com worked together to create a simple network operating system which formed the base of 3Com's 3+Share, Microsoft's LAN Manager and IBM's LAN Server - but none of these were particularly successful.
During the same period, Unix computer workstations from vendors such as Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard, Silicon Graphics, Intergraph, NeXT and Apollo were using TCP/IP based networking. Although this market segment is now much reduced, the technologies developed in this area continue to be influential on the Internet and in both Linux and Apple Mac OS X networking—and the TCP/IP protocol has now almost completely replaced IPX, AppleTalk, NBF, and other protocols used by the early PC LANs.
Early LAN cabling had always been based on various grades of coaxial cable. However shielded twisted pair was used in IBM's Token Ring implementation, and in 1984 StarLAN showed the potential of simple unshielded twisted pair by using Cat3—the same simple cable used for telephone systems. This led to the development of 10Base-T (and its successors) and structured cabling which is still the basis of most commercial LANs today. In addition, fiber-optic cabling is increasingly used in commercial applications.
As cabling is not always possible, wireless Wi-Fi is now the most common technology in residential premises, as the cabling required is minimal and it is well suited to mobile laptops and smartphones.
Technical aspects
Switched Ethernet is the most common Data Link Layer and Physical Layer implementation for local area networks. At the higher layers, the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) has become the standard. Smaller LANs generally consist of one or more switches linked to each other, often at least one is connected to a router, cable modem, or ADSL modem for Internet access.
Larger LANs are characterized by their use of redundant links with switches using the spanning tree protocol to prevent loops, their ability to manage differing traffic types via quality of service (QoS), and to segregate traffic with VLANs. Larger LANs also contain a wide variety of network devices such as switches, firewalls, routers, load balancers, and sensors.
LANs may have connections with other LANs via leased lines, leased services, or by tunneling across the Internet using virtual private network technologies. Depending on how the connections are established and secured in a LAN, and the distance involved, a LAN may also be classified as metropolitan area network (MAN) or wide area networks (WAN).
source :